Have complete control over the SEO-related elements of your website. Effortlessly manage and optimize your website's metadata, keywords, and tags to improve search engine visibility. Fine-tune your SEO settings to enhance your website's ranking and attract more organic traffic.
Have full control over the languages used on your website. Effortlessly add, edit, or delete languages to cater to your diverse audience. Customize your website's language options to provide an inclusive and localized experience.
General Translations
Effortlessly manage the general translations used throughout your website. Edit or add translations to ensure seamless multilingual user experience. Tailor your content to different languages and cultures, reaching a broader audience.
Navigation Items
Easily control the navigation used throughout your website. Add links and image links effortlessly to create a seamless browsing experience. Customize your navigation menu to match your website's structure and content.
Call To Action
Effortlessly manage and customize the fields in your Call to Action section. Engage and convert your audience with compelling and strategically placed calls to action.
Contact Form
Effortlessly manage and track user inquiries and interactions through the contact form. Stay organized and responsive by quickly reviewing and responding to messages.
Easily manage and control the social media presence of your website. Seamlessly integrate and customize your social media links and icons to enhance your online presence. Stay connected with your audience.